Bryan’s Selfie

September 3rd, 2014

Finley is 6 days old!

Emme will be born in 2 years, 8 months, and 6 days!

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One of Daddy’s favorite things to do when I first came home (other than SHHHH! me) was the evening selfie.  This one was one of Mommy’s favorites.  What am I doing?  Who knows?  Why is Daddy copying me?  Who knows…  But Mommy still loves us and thinks we are both adorable.  Later on in the evening, I will be crying and Daddy will be a zombie from sleep deprivation.  Mommy still remembers the time he woke up (because Mommy was pushing him) and asked where the alarm was so that he could turn it off.  It was where it ALWAYS is…  Mommy thought he was crazy.  But she knew…he needs a lot of sleep.  Poor Daddy!

  1. Mary says:

    The elbows! We are laughing.

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