May 9th, 2017

Finley is 2 years, 8 months, and 11 days old!

Emme was just born!

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FINLEY: My little sister, Emme, came out the door in mommy’s tummy tonight.  Mommy had thought that today might be the day at 5 am.  Mommy had some easy contractions, but they didn’t really go anywhere, so mommy, Daddy, and I went for a walk around the neighborhood.  I knew mommy was serious because she wanted to walk the big circle!  Normally with her, we just do the little circle.  When we got back to the house, they were still just light, so mommy and I went to the baby buddies play group.  When we got back, we had lunch.  Mommy was having stronger contractions and told Daddy that this might be there last time he only had one child.  So Daddy stopped working and played with me, while mommy went into the bedroom.  Mommy is incredible and labored on her own for five hours, dilating all the way to 9.5 cm.  Pop Pop and Grammy had come over, so they watched me and put me to sleep while mommy and daddy went to the place where Emme was going to come out.

EMME: I was comfy inside the dark, warm place.  I could hear my mommy, Daddy, and my brother Finley.  I didn’t want to come out, so I waited until one day past my due date.  It was hard work coming out of mommy, but her and I worked together.  When Mommy arrived at the special place, I was ready, and she was ready.  She pushed and I squeezed.  We were so ready and worked so well together that I was born less than an hour after Mommy arrived!!  Mommy had felt like her life was on pause in the final days of her pregnancy, just waiting.  Now the challenge of being a mommy to Finley and I can begin.  Good luck mommy!  Finley and I are rooting for you…I literally am 😉

  1. nana says:

    Welcome to the family Emme. You have a very good mommy and daddy who were very excited to have you join their family. You have the best big brother who is looking forward to teaching you all he has learned & helping any way he can. And your Grammy, Pop Pop and Nana are very excited to have another grandchild to spoil. We all love you very much.

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